We have now successfully secured funding to go ahead with iPad trials starting in January 2013. Our overarching aim is ‘to evaluate the iPad as an effective learning tool in grades 6–12.’ As the High School integrator, I will be focusing specfically on the High School trials.
To kick off the trial, we intend to provide an iPad training course for interested teachers and as we are already a MacBook Pro (MBP) 1:1 high school (and have been for a number of years), we will focus on more of the ‘how-to’ looking specfically at what the iPad can do in the classroom. Throughout the course, we will continue to discuss the ‘why’ so that as a team, we can collaborate to develop an action research toolkit for tailored specfically for our high school.
So our current challenge is what should be in the course and how the course will be delivered. We have set up a working googledoc and currently it is a six-part course:
- Overview of the iPad: hardware, iOS, basic apps and so on
- Introduction to Action Research: collecting & analysing data, review of other trails and methods
- Managing iPads in the classroom: sycning, installing apps, working in the cloud
- Educational Apps specfically for High School classes
- Curating content with a focus on iTunes U
- Creating content with a focus on iBooks Author
For more information on our trials and the resources that we are collating, we have set up the following wikispace: ipadsatwab.wikispaces.com
If you have any suggestions and/or resources, please let us know!
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